How to Fight a Denied Homeowners Insurance Claim

homeowners claim claim denied public adjuster claims insurance

Should you find yourself in conflict with your insurance company when trying to file a claim, one of the surest ways we found to be most beneficial was to hire a public adjuster and let them handle the dispute.

If your home is lost or severely damaged in a disaster, and your family’s health and safety are at stake, one cannot afford to gamble with recovery. A professional public adjuster team’s focus should be to take care of you through every step in the insurance claims process, listening to what is important to you, and to create and manage the claims strategy that best meets your needs.

Below is a list of first steps experts suggest taking should the insurance company that you have been paying premiums for years denies your claim. If you feel your claim was unfairly denied:

  • File an appeal with your insurer: they can provide you with the details necessary to do so
  • If this appeal fails and you sincerely believe your case has been grossly mishandled: contact your State Department of Insurance to file a complaint.
  • Hire a professional adjuster: Residential property insurance claims are complicated, time-sensitive, and require unique expertise.

Large property claims are often settled for much less than they are worth. Hiring a pro will provide the following:

  • Leverage their expertise
  • Avoid the headaches of arguing with your insurance company
  • Lower stress
  • Get back into your home/regular routine
  • Receive the settlement to which you are entitled

Why would homeowners insurance deny a claim?

When a claim is denied and you do not have experience as an adjuster yourself, then it is likely time you need to hire one.

Claims denied are most likely for:

  1. False statements or questionable claims
  2. Anything suspicious or questionable involving the original application for coverage or the claim itself
  3. Do not have proper documentation
  4. Policy exclusions or limitations or damages not meeting their minimum threshold or deductible amount
  5. If the customer fails to meet their coverage requirements

Again, professional public adjusters are trained to know these limits and how to recognize when the insurance companies are not complying with the customers’ best interests.

Unfortunately, these policies are in place because some people consistently commit insurance fraud, ruining it for the rest of us folks trying to do the next right thing.

Whatever the case, the insurance company must act fairly and reasonably per the contract and the law while providing valid and proper reasons for denying the claim. Hence why hiring a pro is so vital to receiving your maximum benefits.

Remember to keep in mind that even if the claim is denied, the insurer is not rejecting the customer but rather the claim itself. Try not to take it personally (although, quite frankly, it feels like it), but stay calm, professional and rely on the pros to walk you through this arduous process.

How to know when an insurance company is using settlement tactics on you during a claim?

Experts have suggested that the following list includes typical scare tactics some insurance companies use if they are trying to deny a claim:

  • Denys liability without an investigation
  • Denying liability citing that there is a lack of evidence: Denying liability despite evidence to the contrary, citing that there is “insufficient evidence” despite the submission of photographs or witness testimonies.
  • Pressures to accept a low settlement: for instance, they may suggest that it is in your best interest to accept the inadequate settlement offer because they attest that it is based on your actions or negligence contributing to the incident.
  • Quickly contacting you after an accident with a settlement offer: some insurers may attempt to contact claimants shortly after an accident with a lowball offer to close the case before they’ve had time to research their rights or speak to an attorney or a professional adjuster.
  • Intentionally slow down the claims process: this is a common tactic used to “run out the clock” or to wear the claimant down so they are more likely to accept a low settlement offer.
  • Offering “lowball” settlements: offering a settlement payout noticeably different from the claimant’s desired outcome and which does not adequately cover the damages incurred.

When these tactics are presented, hiring a professional adjuster and an attorney is best to protect your biggest asset; your home.

Next, ask for evidence of any wrongdoing or negligence they cite as the basis for the denial. Additionally, if the insurance company attempts to fast-track a settlement offer, again, contact an attorney or professional adjuster to help ensure that your rights are protected.

Ensure that the amount offered is sufficient to cover all the damages incurred. An experienced attorney or adjuster can review the policy, any applicable statutes of limitations, and the settlement offer to ensure that your rights and interests are appropriately represented. It is also advisable to have any written correspondence with the insurer and keep notes on the discussions and conversations.

How to fight a denied homeowners insurance claim

Ultimately, when insurance companies deny a claim, they must remain compassionate and professional. And if they do not, remember to hire a professional adjuster to maximize your deserved benefits and coverage.

Remember to keep all documentation of the claim, including all photographs, notes, invoices, and any correspondence, as this will be used to create a timeline of events in case of a dispute with the insurance company.

Finally, consider purchasing a home warranty plan that covers the cost of repairs for certain parts of the home.

By understanding the policy terms and taking proactive steps prior to filing a claim, homeowners can help ensure their claim is not denied. Taking the time to document evidence and research all of the policy terms properly can help avoid headaches and stress in the event of a claim.

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